What Would You Like to Know?
What inspires your writing?
I’ve always loved this question! My writing is inspired by everything: people, situations, emotions, current events, and my personal life experiences. I could go on and on, but I won’t. In short, everything inspires my writing.
When did you realize you wanted to be a writer?
The earliest memory I have of writing happened when I was in seventh grade. I would carry around notebooks filled with random ideas and half-conceptualized stories. I recently found my seventh-grade yearbook and a message from one of my teachers. It reads: “Have a great summer, Karen, and keep writing.”
How can I become your beta reader?
To become my beta reader, complete this form in the message section indicating that you’d like to be a beta reader. Simple as that.
When will your new podcasts be posted?
Podcasts will be posted, at a minimum, every second and fourth Friday of the month. I am working through a rebranding, so please provide grace.
Where can I buy your book(s)?
First, ensure you’re on my mailing list by subscribing here (at the bottom of the page) or here. This way, you will be the first to know when my works are available for purchase.
What degree(s) do you have?
I have an Associate’s degree in Criminal Justice, a Bachelor's degree in English, and a Master’s of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and Literary Works. I am working toward completing the final degree, a PhD in Leadership with a concentration in Higher Education.